Bone tumors are more frequent during teenage years. The patient could have weight loss or night sweats. Pain is usually over the night. Xrays is characteristic.
A 13 year old girl is presenting for unilateral left leg pain with limp for the past 6 weeks. She has no past medical history. She had trauma when playing soccer a week prior to the symptoms. The pain is dull and mainly over night. The patient has no fever. Review of systems (ROS) reveals fatigue but no night sweats or weight loss. The joint exam shows a palpable mass over the left tibia. Labs show an elevation of LDH and alkaline phosphatase. Patient had slightly elevated ESR, CRP and WBC.
Bone tumors are more frequent during teenage years. The patient could have weight loss or night sweats. Pain is usually over the night. Xrays is characteristic.
The Limping Child. Martin J. Herman, and Melissa Martinek. Pediatrics in review.Vol. 36, No. 5. Page 184-197
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