A 7 year old girl presents to the clinic with vomiting quite a bit for 7 hours.  She has vomited 4 times, it is non-bilious and non-bloody in colour and not projectile. She does not have any reported abdominal pain. She has voided 3 times today and has had one normal bowel movement. Earlier this morning she was playing baseball and was struck by another player. There was brief loss of consciousness. She sustained no obvious injuries.

Physical Examination: She looks pale.  Abdomen is soft. On auscultation, bowel sounds are normal. On palpation it is non-tender and there are no masses or organomegaly. The remainder of the physical examination is normal.

What is/are the most appropriate initial step(s) in management? Check all that apply.

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Dr. Karen Forbes

Dr. Karen Grewal


Queen's University


Dr. Susan Bannister


Dr. Marc Zucker
