
A 11-year-old girl presents with concerns of headache. Parents report that the child has been complaining of headaches for the past 4 months. The headache is described as throbbing, located mostly everywhere. Severity is rated as 8 out of 10. It is precipitated by school, worse after a long day.  It is alleviated by acetaminophen with some improvement. There is no associated fever. The patient is also experiencing dizziness. Parents report that she has not lost consciousness.  Family history is positive for migraine and panic attacks in aunt. Social history reveals decline in school performance. Physical Examination:  The child appears visibly worried and is alert and oriented. Head and neck exam: Neck is mobile, Cranial nerves are normal. Focused neurological exam: Motor exam shows strength 5/5 with no pronator drift. Reflexes are 2+ and symmetric in all extremeties. Sensory exam is intact to light touch. Cerebellar testing shows no abnormalities. Gait is normal.

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